Thursday, October 21, 2004


Ever wondered why we sleep?

I knew I wanted to Blog tonight before I go to bed but couldn't quite decide what topic until my body tells me it was time to sleep.

Okay, the clock on the top right hand corner of my desktop tells me it is getting late.

But who started this tradition of sleeping when it is getting late anyways?

Can you imagine if we have 24 hours and don't have to waste a single minute over sleep? It means that we can work two jobs and have time for the family, friends and fun. It means that with twice the income, we can afford a bigger house and a bigger car.

Since we are at it, why not two cars since we don't have to sleep anymore. One for the day and one for the night.

It will be so fun wouldn't it?

But if we don't have sleep, it really means that we just keep working and playing.

No more nice dreams (or for some wet dreams). It will be a life where there will be no more deje vu. No more fantasies about me being elected the President of the United States of America.

It also means that there will be no more bed time talks between husband and wife. And worst still, no more sex (ok.. you can have that anytime of the day) No more cuddling in bed and no more good night kisses.

Can't really imagine a life without saying good night.

Oh yes.. no more waking up at 2am in the morning watching Liverpool beat Arsenal 4-0 at the FA Cup Finals (and hearing breaking news that Manchester United is relegated to Division 1) because, we are busy working in our second job as we are not sleeping.

Come to think of it, sleep isn't that bad a thing after all.

I don't know. Still figuring it out. But one thing is certain, both the clock and my body is tell me ...

It's time to sleep.


Good night.

Saturday, October 16, 2004


I love weddings!

It thrills me to know that when Jesus first performed his miracle (oh.. did I tell you I am a Christian donkey?), Jesus did it at a wedding.

I've always wondered why but my simple mind tells me, God loves weddings! It was His idea anyways when He made Eve for Adam. The first union.

Weddings are great because you get to meet friends and relatives you will never meet unless you are either at a wedding or a funeral. I rather meet them smiling.

Weddings are great also because it's a celebration of love at it's public best. As the music plays, every eyeball turns to the back of the church awaiting the bride to appear. A rousing applause fills the air as she walks in (tugging away at her dad's arm to ask him to slow down). The walk of her life as she see the smile on every familiar face.

(Wonder if anyone took a peak at the Groom, who by the way is equally important on wedding days)

We did that today. Friends that sat together decided to look at the groom instead of the bride as she walked in. We failed. As the music played, our heads turned like everyone else. We were too eager to see her at her best. It was a great wedding of a great couple.

As I sat there hearing the I do's and vows, I was brought back to my own wedding just a year ago this same month.

The words of the song I sang to her came back line by line. It was Adam Sandler's "Grow old with you". The music and words flooded my mind as I remembered the face of my beautiful bride as my couple friend exchanged their rings.

If there was any regret singing that song, if any at all, would be the line that say I'll give her anything ..."even the remote control."

Till today, everyone rememberd that line. They don't just remember, they remind.

That's what wedding does. It reminds you of your own vows and your own wedding.

I've started a little tradition of my own at every wedding I attend now. I repeat my vows as the couple say theirs.

It reminds me of every word I said on my wedding day.

I like this little tradition. Don't you?

Friday, October 15, 2004


I hate to say this but I'm inspired.

I'm inspired to start blogging by a friend who started recently and I'm inspired to do the same.

But like everything else in life, the hardest thing to do is not the task but the start.

Yes, start. Probably thought to be the easiest task in life but often the hardest to achieve.

When is the last time you started something?

Took you a while to remember didn't you? Or perhaps I'm the odd one out in this world.

For me, there are so many things I would like to do. Like today, I wanted to exercise since my wife has chinese translation classes to attend at night. So I thought I'll do something healthy and jog.

I also thought about clearing the stack of letters that is on my dining table that has accumalated over the last week that contains letters and bills that I should pay attention to.

But what do I do? I chose to blog.

Blame it all on Isaiah_sg.

It's not easy to start. It's a hard thing to do.

Someone once said that the journey of a thousand miles begins with single step. How true.

So today I start. Blogging.

Just in case you are wondering, my stack of letters are still untouched. I'm right now busy ....

... Starting.